Volunteer Training
Please be aware that all volunteers must complete training prior
to working in classrooms or attending field trips.
Go to:www.bcps.org
Click on: “Students & Parents”
Select “Family and Community Engagement” from the drop-down menu
On the left side of the page select “BCPS Volunteers”
Complete the following:
1. Application for Volunteer Services: Complete and bring/email to the school
2. BCPS Volunteer Handbook: Read online
3. BCPS Volunteer Orientation: Complete and Print the Certificate and bring/email it to the school.
4. All volunteers also need to declare their vaccine status. Here is the link https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/1e4c755d4dff450aa4b32e695f801610
All applications will be reviewed for approval.
Please print your application and certificate and return them to your child's teacher to verify that you have successfully completed BCPS volunteer training.